Download Mail-Order Bride Switch by Dorothy Clark (.ePUB)

Mail-Order Bride Switch by Dorothy Clark (Stand-In Brides #4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.7MB
Overview: His Imposter Bride
Garret Stevenson must find a bride or forfeit his newly built hotel. With his deadline approaching, he plans an in-name-only marriage with a maid who’ll cook and clean for his guests. When a pampered, pretty heiress arrives instead, the deception confirms Garret’s distrust of women. But Virginia Winterman has more substance than her elegant clothes suggest.
Fleeing West to escape a cruel suitor, Virginia finds a business arrangement with Whisper Creek’s brusque hotel owner is mutually beneficial, and she relishes being useful. Yet what was once a practical solution soon blossoms into a deeper union. Can Garret get past old betrayals before his future with Virginia slips away? Stand-In Brides: Mail-order mix-ups turn into happy marriages in a new Wyoming town
Genre: Romance, Historical Romance


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Dorothy Clark – Mail-Order Bride Switch

Dorothy Clark – Mail-Order Bride Switch


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