Download Mai Tais & Murder by Lydia Lane (.ePUB)

Mai Tais & Murder by Lydia Lane (Beach Cocktail Cozy Mysteries Book 1)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Tessa Tidwell knew one thing…
Honeymoons aren’t meant to be solo excursions.
Wait, make that two things.
She knew two things.
The second thing?
Honeymoons aren’t meant to become murder investigations.
Tessa Tidwell is newly single. And on her honeymoon.
Following a disastrous wedding (disastrous in the sense that it didn’t happen), Tessa jets off to the Golden Hibiscus Resort to lick her wounds among swaying palm trees and a mai tai.
Or two.
It should’ve been a classic rom com story: Brokenhearted woman goes to tropical island, finds herself, meets her One True Love.
Should’ve been.
But nothing about this trip has gone the way Tessa expected.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller


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