Download Magical Talismans to Succeed by Maximillien de Lafayette (.ePUB)

Magical Talismans to Succeed in Life, Protect Yourself From Others and Summon Spirits by Maximillien de Lafayette
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.4MB
Overview: How to summon and command spirits, angels, demons, afarit, Djinns. Inspired by the Anunnaki-Ulema, Allamah, and Sahiriin. Absolutely brand new information never revealed before, or mentioned in any book in the West or the East. There is no other book like it on earth! It is the world’s first, most useful and most powerful book on how to communicate with spirits, and summon angels, demons, entities and creatures from this world and the one beyond. It reveals the real techniques of magic and spirits summoning instructions shrouded in secrecy for 1,700 years.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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Magical Talismans to Succeed in Li (38643).zip – 1.2 MB.

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