Download Mafia Boss Levels Up by Natalie Hunter (.ePUB)

Mafia Boss Levels Up by Natalie Hunter (The Rise of the Dungeon Don #2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 242 KB
Overview: First you get the mana, then you get the succubi…

Luca was riding high as the young head of his crime syndicate in Italy, until he put his trust in the wrong woman. When the beautiful Carlotta turned out to be a literal femme fatale, it should have been the end of Luca’s story, but actually, that’s right where things started to get interesting.

Luca’s soul is ‘skimmed off’ by supernatural forces from another world before he can descend into the Catholic hell he was expecting as a reward for his life of crime and decadence, and he finds himself remade as a dungeon core. It’s going to take all of his charm and legitimate business prowess to build himself up from a pitifully easy-to-beat level 1 dungeon to a dungeon that can dominate, but with the help of his perky fairy assistant, he’s got some plans to make it happen.

Now Luca finds himself in an interesting situation as a sexy female adventurer appears in the dungeon who also seems to have been brought to this world from his own old one. There are a number of ways Luca can think of to make Jessica a useful ally, but first he’s got to win her over by appealing to her darker fantasies. He’s also ready to start putting his plans for level 5 into place, making some changes to the dungeon that will set the stage for some big power plays later on. However, when Jessica ends up staying longer than expected, and is presumed missing by her sect, Luca is pushed to announce his existence to the world a little early.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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