Download Madison Kramer Mystery series by Kelly Hashway (.ePUB)

Madison Kramer Mystery series by Kelly Hashway (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.3 MB
Overview: Kelly Hashway fully admits to being one of the most accident-prone people on the planet, but luckily she gets to write about female sleuths who are much more coordinated than she is. Maybe it was growing up watching Murder, She Wrote that instilled a love of mystery, but she spends her days writing cozy mysteries. Kelly’s also a sucker for first love, which is why she writes romance under the pen name Ashelyn Drake. When she’s not writing, Kelly works as an editor and also as Mom, which she believes is a job title that deserves to be capitalized.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller Cozy

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Manuscripts and Murder (#1)
Sometimes fame can be murder.

Madison Kramer thought her past was behind her. With a new name and a career as a bestselling author, what could go wrong?

She never expected Trevor Lockhardt to walk into her book signing, offering his services as her publicist, or that she’d end up falling for him. But what she really didn’t expect was a stalker sending her messages, both written and in the form of dead bodies.

Madison can’t escape her parents’ murder any longer. But is it their killer coming to finish what he started fifteen years ago? Or is she wrapped up in yet another murder case?

Sequels and Serial Killers (#2)
Madison Kramer’s life is finally coming together. With her boyfriend and publicist, Trevor, by her side, her career as a best-selling author is sure to really take off.But one thing hasn’t changed. Death follows Maddie wherever she goes, and a night that should have been nothing but celebrating the New Year in the arms of the man she loves, turns into the scene of another murder.The bodies are piling up, and the murder suspect wants Maddie’s help in freeing his name. Her secret past continues to come to the surface, putting her life at risk in a deadly investigation where Maddie doesn’t know whom she can trust.

Fiction and Felonies (#3)
Madison Kramer can’t escape her past no matter how hard she tries.

Coming clean about her true identity only spurs fans to lash out at her. But one threatening message stands out as so much more than just an irate fan.

Someone is playing games with Maddie, forcing her to take part in his felonies and cover up his tracks so the police can’t catch him. And any time Maddie disobeys, another body is added to the death toll.

Can Maddie both cover up and solve the same crimes? This is by far the toughest case she’s ever been part of.

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