Download Lusty, Texas series by Cara Covington (.ePUB)

Lusty, Texas series by Cara Covington (Books #17-22)
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Overview: Welcome to Lusty, Texas, a town that’s earned its name and is proud of it!
Genre: Erotic Romance, Menage


17. Love Under Two Private Dicks: Emily Anne Bancroft doesn’t see herself as a woman worthy of one man’s love, let alone two. Yet the hunger growing inside her for Mel Richardson and Connor Talbot can’t be denied. It’s up to those two private dicks to prove to her they’re, all three, meant to form a Lusty kind of family.
Soon, she’s discovering that not only is she worthy, but she truly needs them both. And just when they have her where they want her, they discover this m?nage lifestyle requires something from them they’re suddenly not sure if they can give.
Matters are further complicated by the sly conniving of Emily Anne’s ex-boyfriend, and a case the men have been working on for the Lusty Town Trust. They’ve finally found the man who stole the Rhodes sisters’ inheritance. He’s living on the outskirts of Divine, Texas. And he’s more unbalanced, and deadly, than anyone could ever have imagined.

18. Love Under Two Responders: Carol Ashwood, esthetician, arrives in Lusty, Texas with no expectations but to earn her way and heal her heart from a major fight with her family. She’s led a sheltered life, but refuses to judge the way the people of Lusty live—and love. And that is probably a good thing, because she falls in love at first sight with Warren and Edward Jessop.
Warren and Edward have been the town’s paramedics for a long time. Respected and loved by all, they’re still considered to be nerdy and socially awkward. And they are, with two exceptions—when they’re on a call, and when they’re with Carol. Their courtship is complicated by Carol’s family issues and the fact that someone has taken shots at Edward. And while the state police say it was only a drunken hunter shooting astray, investigation soon proves otherwise.
Will they discover who has a grudge against one small town paramedic before that shooter tries again?

19. Lover Under Two Quarterbacks: Ari Stein is certain that romance is nowhere in the cards for her. Carrying the scars from a traumatic childhood, she’s wandered, rootless, until she landed in Lusty. Now her restless spirit has calmed and for the first time since she was teen, she feels safe and at home.
Twins, Cord and Jackson Benedict, have built rather amazing careers in the NFL, earning themselves the moniker, “The Wonder Twins.” Then Jackson takes a hit in training camp and it’s time to start over.
Grandma Kate convinced them to come to Lusty and meet this side of their family. One look at Ari and they know they made the right move—and once they see the way the Lusty branch of their family lives, they know what they want their future to be. Will they succeed in getting Ari to open up and trust them? Or will a specter from her past, and an annoying little pissant from theirs, stop them from finding their happy ever after?

20. Their Lusty Little Valentine: Samantha Kincaid knows what she wants in life. Since she was a teenager, she has planned to be a lawyer, a judge, and one day, maybe, the first woman Justice of the Supreme Court. Knowing that no one will credit her accomplishments locally because her father wields significant influence, she decides to head to Austin, Texas, to accomplish her goals. All is going well until she takes a wrong turn and ends up stranded in a town called Lusty when her car dies.
Preston, Taylor, and Charles Kendall recognize Samantha as the woman that was meant to be theirs when they come to her aid.
She always knew she had to choose between having a career and a family. It was never a difficult choice because she had never met a man who appealed to her enough to marry. Now she’s met three. The only real question is, can the men convince Samantha that she can indeed have it all, with them?

21. Love Under Two Introverts: Clayton Dorchester moves himself and his children to Lusty after the death of his wife. Clay needed the comfort of family and to keep his oldest from big-city temptations. Gord Jessop has fallen in love with Tasha Garwood. Convincing Clay that he’s too shy to make a move toward Tasha himself, he talks his friend into the perfect solution. They can court her together. Gord knows that Clay is half in love with Tasha. He figures a bit of Lusty-style living and loving will mend his best friend’s broken heart, as well as make his own dreams of having a family finally come true. Tasha is already gone over not only both men, but Clay’s kids as well. But she’s afraid that once they know her secret they’ll no longer want her. As these three wounded souls find their way together, a threat emerges that baffles and confounds them, and puts all their hopes for a happy ever after at risk.

22. Love Under Two Undercover Cops: Having suddenly found herself out of work, Nancy Jessop returns home to Lusty from DC. Determined to get on with her life and never look back, she’s shocked when two hot lawyers, Washington lobbyists Eli Barton and Jeremiah Winthrop, show up at her cousin Gord’s engagement party at Lusty Appetites. Nancy wastes no time in telling them to leave—which of course prompts them to do the exact opposite. The men need to come clean about a couple of things. The first is that they’re not just lawyers—they’re FBI agents who’ve spent the last couple of years working undercover as members of a task force. The second is more complicated: they are in love with her, but they have reason to suspect she’s somehow landed on the shit list of a very influential, and very unsavory politician. Will Eli and Jeremiah be able to stop the man bent on harming their woman—and win her trust and love?

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Books 1-2: viewtopic.php?f=121&t=323639
Books 3-13: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=287880
Book 14: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=506215
Book 15: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=487543
Book 16: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=519222
Book 23: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=911567
Book 24: viewtopic.php?f=1292&t=991299

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