Download Lucifer’s Rose by Jayda Blackstone (.ePUB)

Lucifer’s Rose by Jayda Blackstone
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 552 kb
Overview: I had no idea that Lucifer himself had become my biggest fan.

My small-town life and writing career vanished when he whisked me off to the underworld and told me to pen his life story.

Lucifer has proved to be nothing like I had expected, except for the petulant drama, delusional grandeur, and nepotism.

Rumors are, a conglomerate of demons is vying for a hostile takeover, but he just laughs it off.

An emotion, almost too strong to name, has been growing between us – something I can’t comprehend and am struggling to ignore.

Because every inch of me aches for him, and my overwhelming desire intensifies with every moment we spend together.

Despite all the dire warnings about how terrible it is for us to love each other.

The bump in my belly tells the story of how we really feel about each other.

Because even in the depths of hell, you can still find light, faith, and the healing power of love.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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