Download Lt. Dekker Mystery (#10-15) by Steve Demaree (.ePUB)

Lt. Dekker Mystery (#10-15) by Steve Demaree
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 9.38mb
Overview: Steve Demaree’s third grade teacher wired him in his desk. In his sophomore year of high school, he climbed out the window to escape detention. Today, he sits in front of his computer murdering people, while his wife of forty-three years tries to raise him without much success. His daughter repeated her mother’s mistake and is currently trying to raise another mother’s son and two dogs.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


#10. A Body On The Porch
When a retired detective encounters a stranger standing outside a restaurant when both of them are on vacation and the stranger finds out what he did before he retired, the detective jokingly tells the stranger that he will come and solve a murder for him if he goes home and finds a body on his front porch.

#11. Two Bodies In The Backyard
When a retired detective finds two bodies in his backyard, he is forced to come out of retirement to solve the murders.

#12. A Body Under The Christmas Tree
Humor and mishaps abound as one retired detective calls his former partner to see if he will go with him to cut down their Christmas trees. Reluctantly, his friend agrees, and before the day is over the two of them find a dead body and end up being involved in another homicide investigation.

#13. Murder On Halloween
A retired detective thinks that all he will have to do on Halloween is hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Everything goes well until all the children in costume come and go, and then the phone calls begin. One of them comes from his former Chief of Police, whom he and his former partner have promised that they will come out of retirement whenever there is a murder in their small town. Not only do they have to go out on a dark night in the pouring down rain, but they have to head out to a remote part of the county, where almost no one lives, to a place where someone has texted and reported that someone has been murdered. All they have to go on is the location of the cell phone. Before he solves the case, he is confronted with several suspects, none of whom seem to have motives or alibis. This is another whodunit in the Dekker Cozy Mystery series, full of twists and turns and lots of humor.

#14. A Valentine Murder
In this delightful combination of a whodunit mixed with humor, a woman, who has been celebrating her birthday and Valentine’s Day, is rushed to the hospital complaining of stomach pains and nausea. She grabs the doctor and tells him she has been poisoned, but before she can tell him any more, she dies. When Lt. Dekker and Sgt. Murdock investigate, they find out that no one liked her, with the possible exception of her husband.

#15. A Body On April Fool’s Day
Cy Dekker is ready to enjoy a nice breakfast at the Blue Moon diner with his good friend Lou Murdock on April Fool’s Day when a dead body gets in the way. When they find out the man was not murdered, they get to enjoy breakfast together anyway, but a subsequent murder finds the two of them traipsing all over the county questioning a little bit of everyone who knew the man they found dead. The problem is that everyone they question seems to have a good alibi or no motive for murdering the man.

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Books #1-2, 4-6: Here
Book #3: Here
Books #7-8: Here
Books #9 & 23: Here
Books #16-21: Here
Book #22: Here


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