Download LSD: Problem-Solving Psychedelic by P.G Stafford (.ePUB)

LSD: The Problem-Solving Psychedelic by P.G. Stafford, B.H. Golightly
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 791 kb
Overview: "Unless I have completely misunderstood the message, this book must be looked upon as a manifesto from one generation to another—from the young to their elders. As I see it, the younger generation is telling us that it proposes to use psychedelics because it considers them appropriate instruments for living in the hurricane’s eye of accelerating change. These young people consider that it is neither possible nor desirable to prevent them from employing these substances in this way, and in fact they are challenging lawmakers, law givers and law enforcers to stop them." —Humphrey Osmond, from the preface.
Genre: Non Fiction LSD Drugs


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