Download Loving my Fiancé’s Sister by Rose Marie (.ePUB)

Loving my Fiancé’s Sister (Arresting Temptation, Book One) by Rose Marie
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 300 KB
Overview: I wanted her. With her beautiful brown skin so dark. Her eyes seductive almost black. Lips full with promises of the sinful kisses. I WANTED her with big kinky hair and all. I was hungry and wanted a taste of that fine dark chocolate. Thirsty and in need a drink of her essence. From the moment I locked eye’s with her I was a goner. Forbidden? Never crossed my mind when, and the thought of her never being mine was ludicrous. I was a man who always got what he wanted no matter hell or high water It became mine if I so desired. I doubted this time would be any different. I wanted her and I’d have her regardless of her being my Fiancé’s Sister.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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