Download Lovely series by Naemi Tiana (.ePUB)

Lovely series by Naemi Tiana (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Naemi Tiana is best known for her interactive mobile stories The Lovely One, Hot News, Bad Reputation, and Enemies with Benefits.
Genre: Romance

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1. The Lovely One: #1 Have an adventure #2 Find confidence #3 Experience real love Yeah, those are the three reasons why I signed myself up as a foreign exchange student. Little Emily Klein, the popular girls’ pet, going along with whatever, never speaking her mind. Puppe, they called me. “Little doll.” But I was through with being a doll, through with being a background character in my own life. Everything was going to change—even if I had to cross an ocean for it. Bring on a year of bright lights, nightlife and parties in the USA. Except my plan didn’t work. I was shipped off to the smallest of small-town America, a place where nothing ever happens, host families treat you like a maid, and nobody talks to shy German girls. That is, until I met them. Paul Shields. All-American football player (the kind with the pointy brown ball, not what people here call “soccer”). He’s actually kind of sweet . . . or is he? Jon Denson. Paul’s best friend, the brooding, leather-jacket type. We get along like a house on fire. Literally. They’re my two tickets to an adventure that’s way beyond what I can handle. The trouble with coming out of the shadows is that I start getting noticed. And now I need to make a decision that’ll cost me either my mind . . . or my heart. No matter what, I’m sticking to my list. I’m not Puppe any longer. So who exactly am I?

2. The Lost One: #1 Have an adventure – check
#2 Find confidence – check!
#3 Experience real love – check?

Yeah, I figured I had it all ticked off on my journey as an exchange student in America.
I lived an adventure when he opened the door to his world for me.
I found my voice through his challenging behavior.
I felt true love when I heard those three little words. . .
Nothing was holding me back from driving off into the sunset with Paul Shields—the person who made me feel at home, no matter that my home was thousands of kilometers away.
Too bad we’d run out of gas.
Because he had sucked us dry—damned Jon Henry Denson.
He invaded my dreams. Not because he was the unattainable, emotionally unstable embodiment of a bad boy but rather because his pain and mine. . . were the same.
A pain that I wanted to evade by leaving Germany, only to find that I had been carrying it around with me all along.
Yet even the thickest pile of snow eventually melts away, exposing the ugly truth that lies beneath. And I had to admit to myself—sometimes what we want is not what we need.
But what do I need?

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