Download Love Through Cobra’s Eye by Kimaya Mathew (.ePUB)

Love Through Cobra’s Eye by Kimaya Mathew (Love Poison #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 170 Kb
Overview: Rashi Sharma, native of Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, India, was in dire search of a job when, she was offered the post of Shesh Chauhan’s personal secretary by the elder brother, Vritra Chauhan. So, the world suddenly turned upside down for her when, she came to know that a snake, whom she had saved on a particular day from getting killed by the common people, was a weresnake, and he had developed certain attraction for her. What now?
Will Rashi, ever meet Vasu, the weresnake? Will she be able to tell him, how she has fallen in love with him?
Genre: Romance Fantasy


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