Download Love Takes Hold by Sophia Powell (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Love Takes Hold by Sophia Powell
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 586 Kb Kb
Overview: Neither Erin nor Riley had been particularly looking for love and neither had expected love to happen. But now as it was appearing in front of them; standing face to face, they had a decision to make? The scene which unfolds had unwittingly and unbeknown to them, been orchestrated by a bunch of their well-meaning friends.
As Erin goes to walk out just as Riley walks in. They suddenly find themselves in the right place at the right time, but heading in the opposite of directions. Their choice was a simple one; it would require taking a chance as well as embracing their luck.
If they could manage to do that, then perhaps this could be the greatest beginning of when they finally let, love take hold.
Genre: Romance


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