Download Love Like Crazy by Crystal B. Bright (.ePUB)+

Love Like Crazy (Love & Harmony Romance 2) by Crystal B. Bright
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.1 Mb
Overview: I started writing very young. My first story was a young adult romance called ‘Trudy’. I wish I could find it so I can see how far I’ve come from then to now. Hopefully it’s a grand leap!

After only one year at ODU I dropped out to ‘live life’. Little did I know, life is expensive and it doesn’t suffer fools lightly. So after working 3 jobs at one time just to make ends meet, I decided to go back to school. With any school, you have to meet with an advisor before registering for classes. So my advisor asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I proudly answered that I wanted to be a novelist. She smiled, nodded and said, “That’s nice. Now what will you do for money?” Ouch! So I hopped from journalism to professional writing to literature but my heart always brought me back to creative writing. I figured if I’m going to spend my money for my education then I should enjoy it. So I stuck to creative writing and was pleased to find a non-residency Master’s program for Writing Popular Fiction at Seton Hill University. It’s the first in the country and invaluable. I learned so much and made great contacts.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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