Download Love And Decay Series by Rachel Higginson (.ePUB)+

Love And Decay Series by Rachel Higginson (Seasons 1~4)
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Overview: I was born and raised in Nebraska, but spent my college years traveling the world. I fell in love with Eastern Europe, Paris, Indian Food and the beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka. But I came back home to marry my high school sweetheart and now I spend my days raising our growing family. In those few spare moments I have, I am either reading or writing Young Adult Fiction, because I am obsessed with it. (via goodreads)
Genre: Young Adult

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#1 – Season 1 – Episode 1 – Part Half – Boy Meets Girl: The Zombie Apocalypse couldn’t be more boring. For the last two years Hendrix Parker’s life rotated in a constant routine of fighting Zombies, finding a place to spend the night and keeping his family safe. While all those things were admirable pursuits, they had begun to blur together in monotonous gray lines and a haze inducing fog. He had let the world he lived in turn him into as much of a Zombie as the creatures he fought day in and day out. Until his perfectly tedious world is thrown into upheaval with the arrival of two girls shopping for eyeliner. Reagan Willow and Haley Gable tumble into the Parker’s lives with helpless charm and sarcastic cynicism and the boys can’t help but feel the strong need to protect them. Especially Hendrix, who can’t ignore the irresistible pull Reagan has on him. She’s everything he never thought he would find, and the shot of life that digs him out of the corpse-like stupor he’s fallen into. She might not feel the same way, but that won’t deter Hendrix from pursuing her. Maybe there’s nothing more than friendship between them, but their futures are now entwined, one way or the other. Hendrix has enlisted his brothers and young sister into joining Reagan’s journey south because he refuses to let the most beautiful thing at the end of the world out of his life. Just as long as they can escape the Zombie horde alive first.

#2 – Season 1 – Episode 5 – Part Half – Kane’s Law: Kane Allen had been one thing for the last two years and one thing only: A soldier. The Zombie Apocalypse changed the entire landscape of his future, and turned him from a simple small town boy into a fearless warrior. Battling Zombies hordes daily, dealing with the declining morality of civilization and combatting the darkness that haunts his own mind, Kane has been a little lost and more than alone for almost two years. And he expects his world to stay that way. That is until a routine patrol through the forest brings him face to face with something so lovely he begins to feel hope for the first time in years. Reagan Willow is more than a well-deserved reward for his hard work, she is the goodness that’s been missing from his black existence, she is a light for his dark world, she is his redemption. And he plans to hold on to her with everything he has. If only she felt the same way. Even though Kane claims her as his own in front of the entire Colony, his fight to keep her is not over. Reagan doesn’t want anything to do with him and looks for every opportunity to escape. But he isn’t just planning to lock her away; Kane wants to build something with Reagan. Something real. Something lasting. In order to do that he must make her trust him first and before it’s too late.

#3 – Season 2 – Episode 4: After Vaughan convinced Tyler to let the Parkers handle rescuing Miller, plans have been made. While Reagan recovers from her epic battle through the Oklahoma forest, Haley Gable takes her place on the task force and readies herself to retrieve Miller. Along with Nelson, Vaughan, Tyler and Gage, Haley must sneak past a forest full of Matthias’s armed men, break into the creepy, Feeder-filled school and rescue an eleven year old boy who has been tortured and mistreated for months now. The mission is not simple, and Haley will face some of her scariest moments yet. But she has a very capable team of people with her and they will not leave until Miller is safe. An unexpected run-in with Kane sheds some ominous foreshadowing on their adventure and Haley’s good intentions might sabotage them in the long run. But they stick to the objective: to get everyone back to the storage facility alive. That’s all Haley wants. She just wants to get everyone home so they can be a whole family again. But is that an impossible goal?

#4 – Season 2 – Episode 5: Reagan’s worst nightmare has come true and it doesn’t involve Feeders or Zombies of any kind. Kane Allen has managed to kidnap her and Page. Trapped in a remote cabin, nowhere near the Colony or the compound, Reagan is forced to live out a truly horrific hostage situation. Kane is determined to get Reagan to acknowledge him and that she might have feelings for him. But Reagan is only determined to get away. Kane truly has them trapped however, and when Reagan is faced with the harsh reality that there is no getaway car, no weapons for her to protect Page with and that she has no idea where they are, she is left with nothing but hopelessness and despair. When Kane’s humanity starts to shine through, Reagan realizes she’s in more danger than ever. But she’s determined to hold on until Hendrix can find her. That is… if Hendrix can find her.

#5 – Season 2 – Episode 6: Zombies- as if that wasn’t enough to ruin any girl’s dream of a happily ever after. Reagan and Page are still trapped with Kane in the cabin in the woods and they have no idea if help is coming or if anyone will be able to find them. Besides the utter boredom and eerie solitude, they have to deal with Kane’s crazy mom and the danger Kane poses to Reagan, in more than just the physical sense. When Feeder activity picks up, Kane is kept busy sweeping the property to make sure their human presence doesn’t attract unwanted attention. But is that even possible in the Zombie Apocalypse? Reagan’s sympathy for Kane reaches a new level while she is also forced to make the toughest decision of her life. All of her conflicted feelings reach a boiling point in this episode and the consequences will stretch far and wide in her fight for survival. Can she keep it together long enough for Hendrix to find her? Or is her relationship with him already in jeopardy?

#6 – Season 2 – Episode 7: Even for the Zombie Apocalypse, Reagan’s world seems more upside down than usual. Page is still battling an outrageous fever and help has not come. Trapped in a bunker with Kane and his mom while she alone takes care of Page might be her undoing. Finally, when a knock on the hatch door brings relief, it’s not exactly in the form she had hoped it would be. The Parker’s have saved her, but the reunion is not as joyful as she had hoped it would be. While Reagan’s sanity teeters at the edge, her relationship with Hendrix is just as volatile. Kane has accomplished his goal and come between the happy couple. Can Reagan prove to Hendrix that Kane means nothing to her? Or does she even want to?

#7 – Season 2 – Episode 8: Tyler Allen has been heartbroken more times than she can count. Her family is full of psychopaths, the love of her life was gunned down in front of her and she’s just rescued her little brother after her father kidnapped and tortured him. Tyler doesn’t think she can handle any more grief. But how can she stop the pain when she feels as though she’s the reason for it. She’s the reason everything she touches or loves dies. The only thing she can think of is to not fall in love again, not with anything. She’s built a wall around her heart and forced herself to remain detached from everything and everyone. All she wants to do is safeguard herself from more misery. But she also wants to protect everyone else from her.If only they would listen.The Parkers have forced themselves into her life and she couldn’t help but come to care for them, especially Page. Reagan and Haley have also become friends she respects and loves. But Vaughan Parker is the worst of them all. He doesn’t want friendship from Tyler. He wants something more. And he’s not going to let her get away with ignoring all the possibilities that could be between them.

#8 – Season 2 – Episode 9: Reagan has suffered through a lot of heartbreak during her years surviving the end of the world. She’s lost her parents, her high school boyfriend and now the boy she thought would love her forever. Hendrix might not be dead, but he’s left Reagan and the separation might be more than she can handle. It’s not all bad news for Reagan and company though and when something good finally happens to the downtrodden group, they can’t help but feel hope for the first time in a long time. But this is the Zombie Apocalypse after all and nothing good lasts long. A battle for their lives, an enemy asking them to trust him and plans to bring down Matthias Allen and his merry band of militia keep life active and interesting for Reagan, even while she mends her broken heart. She can fight Zombies with the best of them, but can she struggle through the aftermath of her shattered relationship? Even more, can she survive the comfort of a boy that didn’t break her heart? A boy that very much wants to help her put all those fragile pieces back together? Kane is waiting in the wings, and what Hendrix doesn’t want anymore, he will gladly take. And keep.

#9 – Season 2 – Episode 10: Reagan and the Parkers have a plan. They are going to infiltrate Gage’s storage facility and assassinate Matthias Allen. They’ve even enlisted newly reformed Kane to help them out. If only things could go as planned. But nothing ever does during the Zombie Apocalypse.Reagan and friends run into Matthias much sooner than expected; only to find out they’ve been betrayed by someone they thought they would never see again. Hope is not lost however. Even if they didn’t plan to meet Matthias this quickly, they did plan for the worst case scenario. Reagan is determined to kill Matthias, more so than ever before. If only she knew who to trust. Is Kane really helping her? Or has she been double-crossed? And if so, will she be able to kill Matthias Allen? Or will saving her friends be a hard enough task as it is? Survival has never been riskier for the Love and Decay gang. And this time it’s not just her life, Reagan is playing with, but her heart as well.

#10 – Season 2 – Episode 11: Matthias has forced Reagan to adjust to life at the compound under his new regime. She is imprisoned with Kane while her loved ones are tortured and beaten. She has to watch Tyler and Miller suffer daily. And there is no promise of change. Thinks are bleak for the Love and Decay crew.But the opportunity for escape comes from an unlikely source. And Kane doesn’t hesitate to try to get Reagan and her friends to safety. The journey is perilous and filled with obstacles. The group has limited weapons and are forced to fight two battles when Miller is taken hostage by Matthias. All Reagan wants is for her friends to be safe and away from this nightmare. But is that asking too much? Is there no hope left at the end of the world? Or will the group finally fight their way out of the Colony’s control?

#11 – Season 2 – Episode 12: Reagan had a rough night. The man she recently realized she was in love with died. She’s trapped in a bunker with her ex-boyfriend and two children that are in serious danger. She lost her best friend and most of the family she’s started to consider her own. And she’s out of weapons, energy and solutions. The night could not be any darker. Yet, morning comes anyway. And with it, the decision to walk back out into the Zombie fray and find out what happened to Vaughan, Haley and the rest of their group. Reagan will have to fight her way through hordes of Feeders and her own exhaustion before she finds out what happened to her friends, only to face the worst of all her enemies. Reagan and the Parkers go head-to-head against Matthias and Linley Allen. In this cataclysmic finale to Season 2, Reagan and friends will make one last effort to escape the Colony for good. Will they be able to get away? Or will Matthias spread his poison to every last one of them and punish them for the death of his favorite son?

#12 – Season 3 – Episode 1: It’s been six months since Reagan Willow fled the Colony and Matthias Allen’s tyrannical clutches. Six months since she broke Hendrix Parker’s heart. Six months since she watched Kane Allen sacrifice his life to save hers. Whatever was left of her already-tattered life during the Zombie Apocalypse fell apart six months ago. Now, on the cusp of crossing the Mexican border, there is hope that she might lead her friends to a better existence. Except Zombies are only the beginning of their problems. Reagan and her friends must battle the elements, armies of Feeders and bounty hunters desperate to drag them back to the Colony to face their greatest threat. The Colony’s power stretches wide and far. Their only hope is to outrun Matthias and get to Mexico.

#13 – Season 3 – Episode 2: Reagan has led her friends to Mexico, anxious to escape Matthias Allen’s pursuit of them. But Mexico is not exactly the exotic haven Reagan pictured. The price on Reagan’s head is too great for her to find peace. Soon bounty hunters catch up to them and the group is thrust into Post-Apocalyptic Mexican civilization. Reagan and the Parkers must fight their way through a language barrier, imprisonment and Zombie armies that are smarter and more evolved than ever. And then they must learn the hardest lesson yet: Matthias Allen is not their greatest threat.

#14 – Season 3 – Episode 3: Reagan and her friends escaped Diego and his terrifying plans for them. But maybe that wasn’t the best decision after all. Without weapons, food or water, survival has become more than bleak. The Mexican wilderness offers little resources to their desperate circumstances and when Feeders find them, there is no hope of salvation. Until they stumble into a mine and find a miracle waiting for them. But a miracle in the Zombie Apocalypse is a double-edged sword; one they might soon wish had never found them

#15 – Season 3 – Episode 4: Haley Gable has never shied away from a challenge. She’s resilient, headstrong and in love with an equally determined Parker brother. But now she’s facing her biggest obstacle yet and there might not be a way for her to overcome. Haley is pregnant. In the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse. She didn’t think things could get more difficult for her after cannibals tried to eat her baby, but the end of world is full of surprises. Haley and Nelson find themselves on the block at a slave auction, they must think fast if they want to survive the day and stay together. Haley worries the stress isn’t good for the baby and when she’s suddenly faced with painful contractions while evil men bid on her, there isn’t time to think of an escape plan. She has to save her baby instead of herself.

#16 – Season 3 – Episode 5: Things have been bad for Reagan and friends, but Raphael’s slaving camp might top them all. Unsure where Haley and Page were taken to, and faced with the evil that immediately surrounds her, Reagan is close to giving up. This life asks too much of her. This world demands too high a price. And yet, sometimes even in the darkest moments there is light. Just as Reagan faces yet more territory wars and an unthinkable bargain, help comes from a very unexpected place. Reagan is given another chance at freedom. And maybe another chance to right the mistakes of her past.

#17 – Season 3 – Episode 6: Get Page back. That’s the only thing Reagan and her friends can focus on, but that is not the only problem facing them. While new allies provide valuable assistance, the outside world still threatens to tear this group apart. Finding the youngest Parker is their top priority, but danger lurks behind every corner and there are rumors that Matthias has made it to Mexico. Reagan will have to find a way to save Page and keep the rest of her enemies at bay long enough to find safety. Or is that only a myth? The help they have raises concerns and the help they need comes from a very unexpected place.

#18 – Season 3 – Episode 7: Reagan and the Parkers have finally rescued Page just in time for their favorite family activity- killing Zombies. When they are attacked in the middle of the night, Reagan heads out with some Parkers to protect the bungalow. It’s been a while since Reagan has gone head to head with a Zombie and she’s a little rusty. Thankfully, Hendrix has her back. And her heart. After another near death experience, Reagan and Hendrix are forced to face the feelings they’ve tried to bury. Hendrix has more to say and it is not what Reagan expects. When they finally find the courage to be honest with each other, can they come out on the other side unscathed? Or at the end of the world will they be able to find a happily ever after?

#19 – Season 3 – Episode 8: Tyler Allen has spent a life time in hell. Long before the Zombie Apocalypse upended the rest of the world, she was forced to live under Matthias Allen’s tyranny. She thought she would spend her life under the control of her sadistic father. Until she met the Parkers. Vaughan Parker rescued Tyler from the Colony and saved her from a lifetime of pain and abuse. But he didn’t stop there. Tyler resisted Vaughan at first, but his tender charm and sweet patience wore her down. They became something more than friends and Tyler slowly adjusted to their new relationship. Now he’s asking something of her she’s afraid to give him, something she doesn’t know if she can give him. When the horrors of Tyler’s past finally catch up with her, she has to decide if she’s ready for everything Vaughan is offering or if she’s better off alone.

#20 – Season 3 – Episode 9: Reagan Willow has made a lot of enemies during her time in the Zombie Apocalypse, but one enemy stands above the rest. He has made it his mission in life to destroy her and he will stop at nothing to get his way. Matthias Allen lost his family because of Reagan and the Parkers. His wife and eldest son are dead at her hands and his other children have been stolen away from him. He wants Reagan to suffer like he has. He wants her head mounted on his mantle. He wants to rid the world of any opposition to his twisted plans and tyrannical dictatorship. After months of hunting, he finally has her in his possession. Reagan and Matthias are ready to end this conflict once and for all. They can’t exist in the same world. One of them has to die.

#21 – Season 3 – Episode 10: Reagan and friends have worked hard to survive Mexico. They fought warlords and cannibals, slave traders and Matthias Allen. They fought and they survived. Colombia is closer than ever, and with it their dream for a better, safer life. But first they have to make it through Mexico City, a huge metropolis rife with civil war, intelligent Feeders like they have never seen and danger around every turn. As Reagan’s wounds heal and the Parkers look to the future, their close family is threatened yet again. But there’s more to life than fighting Zombies. There’s more to their world than decay.

#22 – Season 3 – Episode 11: Reagan and friends have found sanctuary with Tomás. The cathedral offers protection from Zombies and a place to rest and recuperate. But what happens when the outside world follows you inside? There is a greater hazard to the Parker family than Feeders and warlords. The evil at the end of the world has sunk its claws into one of the brothers and threatens to tear the family apart. Reagan must decide what’s best for the people she loves and find them safety, the kind that lasts. The kind of safety that will keep them together.

#23 – Season 3 – Episode 12: Reagan and friends have made it to Colombia, but their fight out of hell is not over. Starving, dehydrated and out of ammo, the group is at their lowest. Even though they’ve reached their final destination, there is not much hope that they can survive the night. Exhaustion and grief have debilitated them until they are willing to make desperate, dangerous decisions. Decisions that might very well be the end of them. Is there hope at the end of the world? Can Reagan and her loved ones find the safety and security they’ve been searching for over the last three years? Or will the Zombie Apocalypse finally destroy them?

#24 – Season 4 – Episode 1: Page Parker grew up in the aftermath of the Zombie Apocalypse. She grew up running from Zombies and fighting against the constant threat of death and disease. She knows what it’s like to suffer, to go hungry, to hurt… to lose loved ones. But Page isn’t a little girl anymore. She’s a strong, independent, capable warrior. Skilled in the art of Zombie killing, Page spends her days protecting her family and the city they call home. Bogotá, Colombia is a long way from where she was born, but this city holds the promise of a future… of a cure. Until a ghost from her past reappears in her present asking her to dedicate her life to something more than her family… asking her to dedicate her life to the one thing she wants more than anything- Revenge.

#25 – Season 4 – Episode 2: Page Parker is unsatisfied with her post-apocalyptic life in the relative safety of the research station. She knows there’s something bigger out there for her. There’s something… more. When “more” just happens to show up on her doorstep one night, she finally has the opportunity to find the purpose she’s been looking for. And the revenge. But first she must convince her overprotective family that leaving their home and fighting an evil bigger than Zombies is the right thing to do. Except they don’t want to listen. Until the fight follows them home. Until it destroys every semblance of peace and illusion of security they’ve worked so hard for. They’re not safe anymore. And until they kill Matthias Allen, Zombies are the least of their problems.

#26 – Season 4 – Episode 3: Page Parker knows there are more important things than policing the streets of Bogotá. Like taking down a tyrant and saving the world. If only she could convince her family to leave their beloved research station. But life isn’t easy at the end of the world no matter where you live. When things heat up in their peaceful town and enemies find ways to attack them even from a distance, her family is given more reasons to destroy the Colony. And when Page gets a glimpse of Miller’s hidden dark side, she’s more determined than ever to kill Matthias Allen.

#27 – Season 4 – Episode 4: King Parker has been fighting Zombies and protecting his family for the majority of his life. It’s what he does. It’s what he’ll always do. And it’s all he’s ever wanted to do. Until he stops in Mexico City on the way back to the States and realizes there is more to life than killing Feeders and more to living than just surviving. When a mysterious redhead crosses his path, he finds himself torn from his family for the first time since Zombies became a thing. Now his family doesn’t need his protection, but she does. King knows better than anybody that life doesn’t always turn out like you expect it to. But what happens when you’re expecting death and destruction and life hands you something beautiful instead? What happens when you experience more than decay? What happens when you find love instead?

#28 – Season 4 – Episode 5: Page Parker and family have survived the worst of their journey back to the former United States. They managed the Darien Gap and fought their way through Mexico City. But now, on the brink of Revolution, they’ve made one last stop in the Mexican Territories. Hoping to find an ally in an old friend, they walk into a volatile community fighting more wars than they have Zombie armies for. But it’s not just cannibals and Colony scouts they have to fear. There are internal battles that have to be fought too. When Page learns more about Miller’s dark side, she has to confront the reality that maybe he isn’t the hero she thinks he is. Maybe he’s more like his father than she ever thought possible.

#29 – Season 4 – Episode 6: Page Parker is on the brink of the fate she’s claimed. With her toes pressed against the Mexican/American border, she’s ready to wage the war she’s been waiting for. Matthias Allen and the Colony are waiting for her on the other side. She just has to step across. Only it’s not that simple. She has a family to protect and loved ones to think about. She’s responsible for lives and families. She has a boy at her side willing to fight with her, but Miller is battling darker demons than Zombies and tyrants. There is something inside him that terrifies her… warns her to keep him as far from his dad as she can. Her life swirls around her in chaos and confusion. But one thing remains clear, Luke is waiting for her. She’s vowed to free the people of her homeland and she cannot go back on that now. But at what cost? Will destroying the Colony come at the price of destroying her family? Destroying Miller?

#30 – Season 4 – Episode 7: They did it. They finally made it. Page Parker and family are finally inside Colony territory and closer to fighting Matthias Allen than ever before. But first they have to reunite with Luke. And when they do, he and the Resistance are nothing like they expected. Nothing like what they hoped for or counted on or anticipated. The Colony is the greater of two evils however and so these two allies must team up to wage a war that will change the landscape of their post-apocalyptic world forever. A war that is closer than they realize.

#31 – Season 4 – Episode 8: Harrison Parker has hated the same girl for the last ten years. Hated her and wanted her. Adela has been nothing but trouble for him since the day they met. They fight constantly. They argue. They can’t stand each other. But in the secret moments when they think nobody is looking, they also need each other. They heal each other. Sometimes, they even save each other. When Page goes missing and the Parker family jumps to rescue their favorite sister, Harrison and Adela are forced to team up in an epic battle for survival- both for their lives and their hearts. Harrison is ready to let Adela go. She’s leaving with Diego anyway. Unless he can convince her she has a reason to stay…

#32 – Season 4 – Episode 9: It’s not easy being a badass Zombie killer. But somebody’s got to do it. Page Parker survived the Zombie infection when she was a child, but can she survive it the second time around? After risking her life to save others, Page wakes in a new place with new rules. Luke is not the man she expected him to be and his Underground of Colony survivors aren’t anything she expected either. Tensions between her family and Luke’s people run tight, while the Parkers decide their next move in their effort to take down Matthias. But nobody is more on edge than Miller Allen. After nearly losing Page, he’s more overprotective and possessive than ever. Not sure if she’s fully recovered from the infection or not, Page has to face a council that wants her dead and soothe her family’s frayed nerves at the same time. And hopefully keep Miller and Luke from killing each other. With Zombies to hunt and wars to wage, in this apocalypse, there’s no rest for the Parkers.

#32 – Season 4 – Episode 10: It’s not easy being a badass Zombie killer, but somebody’s got to do it. Page Parker has recovered from the Zombie infection that nearly killed her. Well, mostly anyway. She still feels the lingering effects of the disease in her blood and her current living arrangements aren’t helping. The Parkers are technically safe in Luke’s Underground, but most of them are dying to get out. Safe has never been their goal. And while Zombies and Matthias Allen roam the earth, the Parker family wants freedom to hunt. When an opportunity arises to scout Matthias’ capital city, Page and friends jump at the chance. However, their quiet, investigative mission quickly turns into something else and Page is left wondering if she was tricked. Not by Matthias this time, but Luke. But if Matthias has his way, she won’t live long enough to find out.

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Season 1 Complete: viewtopic.php?f=1293&t=1120699
Season 1 – Episodes 1-6 Omnibus: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1646939
Season 2 – Episodes 1-4 Omnibus: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1646954
Season 2 – Episodes 9-12 Omnibus: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1646953

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