Download Loon Lake Supernaturals by Maaja Wentz (.ePUB)

Loon Lake Supernaturals by Maaja Wentz (#0.5-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Do you prefer your fantasy or mystery a little quirky? Discover contemporary page-turners filled with wonder and surprise twists.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Paranormal

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Blasted Bloomers (#0.5)
First date in magic underwear?
Blasted Bloomers
Tonya is shocked when the hunk of her daydreams asks her out. He must be toying with her, or is he? To make sure he likes her, Tonya snitches magic panties from the notorious Witch of Loon Lake. Will her risky plan end in triumph or disaster? Read this free urban fantasy book to find out. Expect a little bit of mystery, a touch of romance, and hair-raising suspense in this comic tale of Loon Lake magic.

This story is a prequel to Feeding Frenzy, set before Tonya begins university.

Feeding Frenzy (#1)
Loon Lake may seem like a sleepy town, but the witches and necromancers who live there are anything but peaceful. When a deadly eating epidemic threatens the town, it’s up to first-year student Tonya to develop dangerous powers and save Loon Lake.

But Tonya isn’t alone in this battle. With the help of her new friends – the quirky artist Priya, and the tech-savvy Digital Ninjas Drake and Zain – she’ll uncover the dark secrets of her family and develop magical abilities she never knew she had. Together, they’ll take on occult conspirators and the deadly creatures lurking in the Loon Lake Cemetery.

Double Dead Magic (#2)
When they jail her mom for slaying a Zombie, Tonya must uncover the original murderer!

Forbidden to contact her friends and boyfriend (who are cursed to forget her) Tonya’s parole demands remedial magic classes at Loon Lake University. But how can she pass when corrupt authorities strip her powers?

Summer school with the enemy clan feels like the worst punishment until her birth mother is jailed for slaying a revenant. Helen’s freedom depends on Tonya solving a 20-year-old cold case involving necromancy, thwarted love, nosy ghosts, and witchy family secrets.

Meanwhile, hidden entities menace the beautiful city of Loon Lake. Suspicious fires, missing swimmers, and parasitic dragons threaten Tonya’s old friends, the Digital Ninjas. Tonya must rescue the Ninjas, and save her best friend, when a motorcycle hunk dupes Priya into conjuring a fire-breathing catastrophe.

Can Tonya save her mother and convince the warring Old Families to restore her friends’ memories? Or will she remain outcast and estranged from her true love forever?

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