Download Look to Windward by Iain Banks (.MP3)

Look to Windward by Iain Banks
Requirements: MP3 Player | 630 MB | 96 kbps
Overview: After a harrowing battle flashback, the scene shifts to one of the Culture’s wonderfully landscaped, ring-shaped artificial worlds called Orbitals. A ghastly light is awaited in the sky from distant suns detonated in the war of Consider Phlebas eight centuries earlier; an occasion for sombre festivity, pyrotechnics, and a memorial symphony from exiled alien composer Ziller. Meanwhile another tortured member of Ziller’s race–aggressors and victims in that more recent civil war–arrives on a mission whose dreadful nature emerges through fragments of slowly returning memory. Elsewhere, in the exuberantly imagined airsphere home of floating "behemothaurs" almost too huge to imagine, the clue to what’s happening falls belatedly into inexperienced hands…

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