Download Longman Anthology – Detective Fiction by Deane Mansfield-Kelley (.PDF)

The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction by Deane Mansfield-Kelley, Lois A. Marchino
Requirements: .PDF reader, 20.7mb
Overview: [This book] includes works by many of the greatest mystery writers and provides a wide range of diverse and highly teachable stories. In addition, it offers valuable critical commentary on detective fiction and discussion of the lives and contributions of the authors. This anthology is designed for an introduction to detective fiction course or any course with a mystery or detective emphasis. It can also be used to supplement general introduction to fiction courses, providing students the opportunity to read and study in depth the popular genre of detective fiction…. This anthology is also useful for creative writing courses that concentrate on fiction writing, since the selected stories serve as models for good writing and show a wide range of examples of character development, plot construction, and point of view.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller > Non-Fiction > Educational


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