Download Lonely Graves by Britta Bolt (.MP3)

Lonely Graves by Britta Bolt (Pieter Posthumus #1)
Requirements: MP3 Player, 239.8 mb, 8 hrs and 48 mins
Overview: In Amsterdam, there’s a council department known affectionately as the Lonely Funerals team. It exists to arrange burials for the abandoned or unknown dead, with the care and dignity that every life deserves. Pieter Posthumus hasn’t been doing the job long, but he’s determined to do it well. He finds that he cares deeply about the people whose files land on his desk. So when something doesn’t seem quite right about a Moroccan immigrant’s ‘accidental’ drowning, Posthumus starts digging. His quest for justice will lead him down some dangerous paths, and into conflict with some very dangerous men…
Genre: Audiobook > Thriller


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