Download Logan Reed series by Matthew James (.ePUB)

Logan Reed series by Matthew James (Books 1-2)
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Overview: MATTHEW JAMES is an action-adventure writer who also likes to dabble in some science fiction and horror as well. Regardless of the genre, he loves to take his readers on a fun, fast-paced thrill rides. His debut novel, BLOOD & SAND, stormed up the charts, climbing to #2 on Amazon US (Travel Adventure), #4 on Amazon Australia (Military Thriller), and #5 on Amazon Canada (Historical Thriller).
Genre: Thriller

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Plague [01]
A strange virus has resurfaced in the Serengeti, not seen since the Second World War, infecting man and beast alike. Its victims soon become violent, viciously attacking anything that wanders into their path. Logan Reed, a former Australian Special Forces soldier turned African game warden, is at the front line of this disastrous outbreak. Together with his team, including his sister, a Serengeti Zoologist, Logan searches for clues to the contagion’s origin in hopes that knowing where it came from will help them stop it. And they’d better hurry. It’s spreading.

Evolve [02]
After a recently uncovered virus desolates the Serengeti, current game warden and former Australian Special Forces soldier, Logan Reed, is asked to travel west to the Congo and investigate its origin. Haunted by horrific nightmares filled with sorrow and death, Logan leads what’s left of his elite anti-poaching outfit, the Serengeti Defense Force. With the help of the American military and a local guide, the remaining SDF members are starting to feel semi-ready for what’s to come. That is…until they reach their objective. For within the unexplored jungle is something modern man wasn’t meant to find, and if it’s up to the Verbraucher—the Eaters—it’ll stay that way. Plus, they aren’t the only things lurking in the shadows that want to stay unfound.

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