Download Lincoln’s Mentors by Michael J. Gerhardt (.ePUB)

Lincoln’s Mentors: The Education of a Leader by Michael J. Gerhardt
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 20 MB
Overview: A brilliant and novel examination of how Abraham Lincoln mastered the art of leadership"Gerhardt has devised an ingenious solution for demystifying America’s most enigmatic president: examining the key people who influenced Lincoln as he developed his own unique skills and leadership style." -Russell L. Riley, UVA’s Miller CenterIn 1849, when Abraham Lincoln returned to Springfield, Illinois, after two seemingly uninspiring years in the U.S. House of Representatives, his political career appeared all but finished. His sense of failure was so great that friends worried about his sanity. Yet within a decade, Lincoln would reenter politics, become a leader of the Republican Party, win the 1860 presidential election, and keep America together during its most perilous period. What accounted for the turnaround?As Michael J. Gerhardt reveals, Lincoln’s reemergence followed the same path he had taken before, in which he read voraciously and learned from the successes, failures, oratory, and political maneuvering of a surprisingly diverse handful of men, some of whom he had never met but others of whom he knew intimately-Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor, John Todd Stuart, and Orville Browning.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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