Download Lightning Quick by Tierney Storer (.ePUB)

Lightning Quick by Tierney Storer (Red Diamonds Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 836 kb
Overview: My stalker is on the Red Diamonds inner circle.

They are someone my daddy trusted – someone who he would have taken a bullet for,

yet all they did was put a bullet in his head.

Now their twisted games have brought them here to me.

I thought getting an army together would help,

that having Raya’s Cartel, and the Jackal’s on side would be enough to save us.

But now I’m trapped, my men are scattered – maybe even dead.

I’m guarding people who deserved better in life, with none other than El Diablo to save me…

There’s only one thing I know with certainty now,

as I countdown the clock to the inevitable…

We can’t all make it to the end of our fight alive.

Eventually our luck will run out,

and one of us will not survive…

I can only hope it’s worth it in the end.

I can only hope I can live with the pieces of this twisted game however they may fall.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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