Download Lifestyle of Happiness by Sofie Bakken (.ePUB)

Lifestyle of Happiness by Sofie Bakken
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 270 KB
Overview: Who wouldn’t like to be happy? Who wouldn’t like to enjoy forever this feeling of deep fulfillment and satisfaction combined with relaxation and a stress-free easiness of life? Can you turn your lifestyle into one filled with happiness? – Yes, you can!
Discover how your lifestyle influences your happiness.
Sofie Bakken has drilled down to the depths of the topic and taken into account society, health, religion, family, resilience, and much more. By analyzing well-known lifestyles like Niksen, Hygge, the Aussie Way of Life, Mottainai, and many more she extracts the best of them. She considers current and future trends and takes into account the current state of the world. As a result, by telling you what you can take away from today’s lifestyle trends, she shows you how to turn your lifestyle into a “Lifestyle of Happiness”.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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