Download Lesbian Romance Licked by a Vampire by Olivia Myers (.ePUB)

Lesbian Romance: Licked by a Vampire: (Young Adult, School Girls, Vampire Romance) by Olivia Myers
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 477 KB
Overview: Licked by a Vampire: A Hot Lesbian Romance

A shy poet, Imogen has always been bullied at her all-girl’s private school, St. Nocturne. She’s learned to adapt and ignore the torments of the Golden Girls as much as possible, and in fact, she feels a secret thrill whenever they’re near. If the Golden Girls knew her secret, however, Imogen’s life would be ruined. They could never know that she madly, passionately loved one of them.

In the Golden Girls’ latest attempt to ruin Imogen’s happiness, they take over the break room used by Imogen’s poetry club. Desperate to find a new meeting place, Imogen visits a local coffee house, the Red Red Rose run by Vampires. In the arms of the Rose’s mysterious owner, Cerise, Imogen might be able to find the courage and acceptance she really needs. But what, in the end, will Cerise’s love cost her?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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