Download Lesbian Light Reads by Elizabeth Andre, Jade Astor (.ePUB)+

Lesbian Light Reads Series by Elizabeth Andre & Jade Astor (8 Books)
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 7.8 MB
Overview: Elizabeth Andre writes lesbian erotic romance, science fiction and young adult stories. She is a lesbian in an interracial same-sex marriage living in the Midwest. She hopes you enjoy her stories. She certainly loves writing them.
Jade Astor is a longtime fan of both paranormal and male-male love stories. She was delighted to find a thriving community of like-minded writers and readers in the ebook industry.
Genre: Romance, FF, Lesbian, LGBT

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Love’s Perfect Vintage (#1): Would you let your mother find your next girlfriend? Beautiful thirty-two year old African-American Aisha Watson works hard all week as a budget analyst and plays hard all weekend as a competitive longsword fighter. But her heart was recently broken, and she’s not even so sure she wants to be in love again after a series of dating disasters. Aisha’s mother decides to find her a nice girl and introduces her to Kris Donnelly.
Kris, with long chestnut brown hair and vibrant green eyes, is Aisha’s former high school classmate who is all grown up and become one of Chicago’s leading sommeliers. In between choosing fine wines, she’s just getting back into dating as Aisha is leaving the scene, but Aisha is about to learn that her mother may be right about something. Could Kris be the woman for whom she’s been searching?

Journey to Passion (#2): While attempting to recover from a failed relationship, Andrea treats herself to a vacation to Rome. There she meets Celeste Jamison, an American who has traveled to Italy to restore classic artwork for a museum. The sparks fly fast and hot between the two women, but all too soon Celeste announces she must return to New York. Before long Andrea also goes home to California, unsure if she will ever see Celeste again. After all, their lives are on different coasts and their careers keep them moving in circles that would never connect under ordinary circumstances. But then again, the magic between them is far from ordinary….

Lesbian with Dog Seeks Same (#3): Beautiful African-American Jordan is quite happy spending most of her free time hanging with her dog Minnie. She doesn’t need a girlfriend. Her life is just fine as it is.
Jordan’s life begins to change one early Sunday morning when Minnie meets Arrow, a golden retriever, at the dog park, and Jordan meets Arrow’s owner, a sexy woman with pale translucent skin and hazel eyes. Minnie likes Arrow. Jordan slowly realizes that she likes Arrow’s owner even more. She has to find her again, even though she doesn’t know her name, and begins to realize that her life will be even better with this woman in her life.

Bodies in Motion (#4): How often does a woman get to rewrite her past and stake a claim to her future in one fell swoop?
Gorgeous Shondra Frazier gets that chance. It all starts at the “40 Under 40” reception for high achievers under the age of 40. Even though she really doesn’t want the attention, she is honored because she is the first African-American woman to be named manager of one of the city’s top tourist attractions.
At the reception she unexpectedly reunites with her still beautiful college ex-girlfriend who broke Shondra’s heart many years ago. Lynette Johnson is a former cheerleader who can still make male and female heads turn. As Lynette walks away promising to be in touch soon, Shondra spots Denyse Gabriel, one of the few African-American female PhD physicists in the world and a fellow “40 Under 40” honoree. Shondra realizes attention from Denyse, with her long black hair and high collar tweed jacket, is what she wants. This beautiful scientist, however, is heading to a months-long project in Antarctica, but Lynette is sticking around and is more than willing to keep Shondra company. Shondra has to decide whether she will stay safe and start up again with her long lost college love or if she will wait for Denyse to return. Shondra can’t stop thinking about Denyse, but Shondra isn’t even that sure, after only one night of passion, whether the sexy physicist will want to see her when she comes back from the ice.

Right Time for Love (#5): When Hannah, a 65-year old retired nurse, goes on a Caribbean cruise with a bunch of her friends all she wants to do is win the euchre tournament. She’d like to fall in love, but suspects it may be too late for her.
When Hannah recognizes an old friend from decades ago, she starts to believe that it is never too late for love. Joyce is a fellow retired nurse who lost her husband five years before and hasn’t had love since. Hannah is afraid of being Joyce’s vacation lesbian experiment. Joyce never thought she would find love again, and it never occurred to her that love would take the form of a woman. Together they navigate the rocky waters of love found when they both least expect it.

Landing Love (#6): All Lila wants to do this winter is skate. The beautiful 20-something recreational figure skater is done with dating until mini-skirt season, at least that’s what she tells her friends when she invites them to join her to visit every ice rink in Chicago.
Then one crisp morning while skating at a new rink, Lila meets Ashley. Not only is Ashley stunningly good-looking with long ash blond hair, she can land an Axel, an advanced jump that has eluded Lila. Ashley agrees to coach Lila the following weekend. When Ashley doesn’t show, Lila realizes that she wasn’t that serious about taking a break from dating, and she doesn’t care if she ever lands an Axel. She does care about kissing Ashley, but doesn’t know how she will find her again.

The Beauty Queen Called Twice (#7): All Lauren Golden wants is to be the best journalist ever. The gorgeous redhead with pale white skin and hazel eyes wants the story and nothing else.
When an editor tells her to interview the CEO of a successful cosmetics company, she quickly realizes she has met the woman, Charlenae White, before. When Lauren was a reporter at her university newspaper, Charlenae was a student as well and competing in the state beauty pageant. Lauren wrote about Charlenae then and never forgot her long black hair, dark brown skin and beautiful smile. After the story ran, Charlenae called Lauren to ask her out, but Lauren did not respond. Now Charlenae wants to give Lauren a second chance for love. All Lauren has to do is believe her and, most importantly, believe in herself.

Skating on Air (#8): Gigi Darnell, a beautiful African-American physician, has reached her early 40s with a fabulous job, a beautiful home and a bevy of nieces and nephews who love her. But being the best daughter, sister and aunt doesn’t make her life complete. She wants a special woman to love who will love her back. Then she meets Lyndsey Falk, a much younger skateboarding instructor with pale white skin and eyes the color of amber. The attraction the two women feel for each other is immediate and strong.
Gigi falls hard for Lyndsey, but she fears being cut off from her nieces and nephews if she makes it clear to her family that, yes, she is indeed a lesbian and not just the reliable spinster aunt, sister and daughter her family has come to expect. Lyndsey has an ex-girlfriend following her around who threatens to interfere. Together, Gigi and Lyndsey learn that skating on air and being in love will require them to be more honest with those around them than they have ever been before.

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