Download Legends of Aidris: Rise to Power by Tyler Nicholas (.ePUB)

Legends of Aidris: Rise to Power by Tyler Nicholas (Legends of Aidris #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 388 kB
Overview: The once-thought dead enemy has returned, and the continent of Aidris is on the brink of war. Arturo Pentori, fueled by vengeance, sets out to track down those responsible for the attack on his town. But with danger lurking at every turn, Arturo’s path to revenge will not be an easy one. As Arturo travels with his mercenary band, Talon Astero, prince of Azzellia, must grapple with the deadly politics of his kingdom, all while hiding his powerful and forbidden abilities. But with war threatening to tear the continent apart, Talon must step up and unite the nations against their common enemy or the consequences could be dire.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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