Download LeBootcamp Diet by Valérie (Valerie) Orsoni (.ePUB)+

LeBootcamp Diet: Eat Well, Lose Weight Now, Keep It off Forever by Valérie Orsoni
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.2MB
Overview: Born and raised in Corsica, Valerie Orsoni was overweight as a young adult. Along with her father, a chef, who also suffered from weight issues, she developed a programme of healthy living and eating where food itself – in the form of delicious, balanced recipes and detailed menu plans – played a central role in reducing body fat. was a runaway global success and her book La Methode Orsoni, became a bestseller in France. With a highly motivational coaching style, LeBootCamp Diet speaks to women – and men – who are short on time, disillusioned by ‘toxic’ mono-diets, and unwilling to sign up to a life of tasteless meals and forbidden foods. Through three distinct phases (Detox, Attack and Maintenance), Valerie shows how to cleanse the body of toxins; attack stubborn body fat and cellulite; speed up the process of weight – loss when needed, and, finally, adapt permanently to a lifestyle where the weight stays off, the body is toned and energy soars.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Medical


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