Download Leaves of Gold by C.J. Primer (.ePUB)

Leaves of Gold by C.J. Primer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 715kb
Overview: A young girl, promised to a prince. A dangerous warrior with a dark secret. The collapse of a dynasty and a grab for power.

When nineteen-year-old Fairen receives a proposal from the king to wed his only son, she can hardly believe her good fortune. Whisked away to join her new fiancé at the palace and settle into her new life at court, she quickly discovers that her husband-to-be isn’t what she expected, and there are other players involved that threaten to turn her picture-perfect future upside-down.

When Fairen catches the eye of Evander Montlock, the king’s general and an infamous warrior known for his superior strength and brutal battle tactics, she assumes he’s been tasked with watching over her. But she quickly learns that there’s much more to the general than his intimidating stare, and the tales of old magic she heard growing up may be more than folklore.

Fairen soon finds herself tangled up in a dangerous power struggle, used as a pawn in a game amongst men who seek to overthrow the rule of the kingdom and claim it for themselves. Through it all, she must grapple with the ever-changing landscape of her future and find her place in her treacherous new world in order to survive.
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Fantasy Romance


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