Download Leashing His Heart Series by Adara Wolf (.ePUB)

Leashing His Heart Series by Adara Wolf (1-2)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 531 kb
Overview: Adara writes almost exclusive m/m, but she has a fondness for bisexual protagonists. She enjoys a lot of darker themes, so you’ll see a lot of that in her works. When Adara isn’t writing, she’s reading, painting, playing video games, and rescuing cats. She also enjoys learning about languages and other cultures.
Genre: Romance MM


1. Leashing His Heart – Broken, haunted Johan doesn’t want a bondservant. He certainly doesn’t want a bondservant like Emil, who is mouthy and disobedient and completely disrespectful. But if Johan can overcome his own nature and subjugate Emil, maybe he can finally win the respect of his family—and escape the painful shadows of his past.
Emil never expected to get caught for his crimes, and he didn’t expect to end up as a bondservant to one of the richest families on Cadmus Station. He’s willing to play nice, but he refuses to be submissive—there’s nothing submissive about him.
His new master is cruel, but he’s inept and inexperienced. Emil can see all the cracks in Johan, and he’s going to take every advantage he can get to gain the upper hand.

2. Collaring His Heart – Emil and Johan have settled into a routine. Johan’s doing better, Emil thinks he’s got everything figured out…
Until his ex shows up. Until Johan’s mother starts making demands. Until all his lies catch up to him. Everything is falling apart around him, and if he doesn’t figure things out fast, he’s going to be torn away from Johan for good.

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