Download Late Bloomer: A Succubus Comes of Age by Isla Monet (.ePUB)

Late Bloomer: A Succubus Comes of Age (The Flowers of Eden #1) by Isla Monet
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 443 KB
Overview: At fifty years old, Gabby is young for a succubus, but when most have their tails come in by age thirty, she’s considered a very late bloomer.

When she finally shows the first signs of growth, excitement isn’t something Gabby feels, but fear is.

Succubi are socialites and seductresses, and the last thing she wants is to lose what little freedoms she does have to the lust that defines their place in a supernatural world.

It will take the help of some unusual friends, a new mentor, and a bit of luck to confront the conflicting memories holding her back.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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