Download Land of Many Hands by Harriet Sigerman (.PDF)

Land of Many Hands: Women in the American West by Harriet Sigerman
Requirements: .PDF reader, 517 KB
Overview: “Come along, come along–don’t be alarmed,/Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm.”–popular 1852 camp song From 1840 to 1910, the western region of the United States was the stage for dramatic and often tumultuous encounters between people of diverse cultural backgrounds. This was a period of feverish development of western lands, often with tragic consequences for native peoples as homesteaders encroached upon ancient lands and cultures. American women–Hispanic, African-American, Asian, and European whites–played a prominent role in the migration out West. They raised families, plowed land and planted corn, panned for gold and cleared forests for new homes, opened schools and ran boardinghouses and saloons, became ranchers, missionaries, journalists, peddlers, and trail guides. Women helped to build communities and push the boundaries of the United States to the Pacific.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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