Download Lakehouse Security Series by April Kelley (.ePUB)

Lakehouse Security Series by April Kelley (#2, 4-6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.1 mb
Overview: Living in Southwest Michigan, April resides with her husband and two kids. She has been an avid reader for several years. Writing her first story at the age of ten, the characters in her head still won’t stop telling their stories. If April isn’t reading or writing she can be found outside playing with the animals or taking a long walk in the woods.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


Hostage Love (#2)
All Ryan Newell wants to do his prove to his brothers he is just as capable as them of going out on a mission. This time they actually listen, sending him out to rescue three men from a cult that is holding them prisoner. Right from the start things go wrong. One of the prisoners, Zach Landen, manages to break out of his cell and holds him at knife point.
Ryan hates the idea of calling for back up but knows he needs to after he learns Zach is very ill. It’s second nature for Ryan to take care of Zach, but Ryan’s giving nature has gotten him in trouble before. Does he really want to get hurt again?

Locke’s Love (#4)
Danny Newell has loved Locke for six years. Every time they have to work together that love grows just a little bit more desperate. Of course, it would be easier if Locke gave him the time of day. When Danny gets a phone call late at night and goes out on a mission by himself, the last person he expects to go after him is Locke. Being stuck on a mission with a man that despises him is not his favorite thing, to say the least.

Persistent Love (#5)
Love refuses to leave him alone.
Aiden Newell knows he’s a coward for refusing to go home, but he doesn’t care. He won’t go back as long as Justin Pollasky is still there. If he goes back, he’ll just fall in love with the man all over again. Justin has loved him and left him the past.
Justin has been trying to get Aiden back for a year and a half, but the man refuses to see him. Every time their teams work together, Aiden takes off for parts unknown. When Aiden gets kidnapped by the human traffickers trying to put him behind bars, Justin gets a little bit crazy with worry. He just hopes he can get Aiden back in time to make things right.

Repeating Love (#6)
Damon Shield used to be a party boy. That was before he got kidnapped by a weird cult, though. Even though he was rescued, he’s been in a funk ever since. When he starts getting texts from his kidnapper, he doesn’t tell anyone, especially not his very sexy bodyguard. He knows he screwed up and made the man a target somehow.
Mikkel Alvarez met the love of his life when he was still a young guy barely out of basic training. His lover died serving his country and he still isn’t ready to move on with his romantic life, even though several years have passed. Damon has been the first man since his lover passed to get under Mikkel’s skin. Not that he’s going to do anything about it.

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