Download Lake Lavender Series by Persephone Autumn (.ePUB)+

Lake Lavender Series (1 & 3) by Persephone Autumn
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 2.6MB | Retail
Overview: USA Today Bestselling Author Persephone Autumn lives in Florida with her wife, crazy dog, and two lover-boy cats. A proud mom with a cuckoo grandpup. An ethnic food enthusiast who has fun discovering ways to veganize her favorite non-vegan foods. If given the opportunity, she would intentionally get lost in nature.

For years, Persephone did some form of writing; mostly journaling or poetry. After pairing her poetry with images and posting them online, she began the journey of writing her first novel.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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#1 – Depths Awakened
Loss guarded their hearts, and only love would tear down their walls.

Magdalena Bishop held her heart close and her loved ones closer. After losing her mother, structure defined her life. Hugs and sentiments held more significance. Time with her father was more precious. Until her world was flipped upside down once more.

With the love and support of her friends, Magdalena was ready to explore life outside the confines of her home. She was ready to move forward. Little did she know, a girls’ night out would change everything.

Geoffrey Lawson evaded love at every turn. Life was cruel and had ripped love from his arms early on. Tore it to shreds before his eyes. And he refused to experience agony again. Refused to not be in control.

For his own sanity, women were a beautiful distraction. The perfect distraction. A means to a biological end. Nothing more. Until he laid eyes on her.

Two hearts locked away, but only one held the key to let love in. A magnetic attraction. An undeniable connection. A love struggling to survive.

#3 – Every Thought Taken
Her love brought me to life. It also broke my heart.

Far back as I can recall, not a day exists when I haven’t loved Helena Williams. In my younger years, my love for her was more familial or akin to friendship. But as the years passed, something changed between us. The unrequited love I had for my sister’s best friend was reciprocated. Like the seasons, our love fluctuated. Like the moon, some nights were dark and cold while others were bright and warm.

I loved her.

I love her.

Nine years ago, I broke in two. She said goodbye, and I tried to let her go. She moved on and I did unthinkable things.

With her gone, I fell apart. I let the darkness take over. Let myself drown. The dark was familiar. Comforting. Guaranteed. Constant.

But now, I am ready to breathe again.

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