Download Lady Anne’s Deception by M.C. Beaton, Marion Chesney (.ePUB)

Lady Anne’s Deception by M.C. Beaton, aka Marion Chesney (Changing Fortunes #4, Regency Royal #3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 111 kB
Overview: When Lady Anne Sinclair vowed to marry anyone as long as it meant she married before her spoilt beauty of a sister, she had no idea the "anyone" would be the Marquess of Torrance. Long the darling of the ton – and considered quite the confirmed bachelor – he succumbed to Annie’s charms and, most magically, made her his wife. But Annie’s lifelong battle for attention had ill-prepared her for married life. In a tipsy revery on her wedding night, she blurted out her real reason for marrying the Marquess – and her husband’s formidable pride shut the door on any further communication.

Only a crisis of major proportions could bring the headstrong newlyweds together. And no less than the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with sinister political ambitions known only to himself, embroiled Annie in a dangerous plot that taught her the truth about her wifely sentiments.
Genre: Romance


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July 6, 2018 – links updated

Regency Royal #16:

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