Download Labyrinth by Katherine Wynter (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Labyrinth by Katherine Wynter (Keeper Chronicles #0.5)
Requirements: Epub reader/Mobi reader, 1.06 Mb
Overview: Rebekah Lorak was your typical college student, sharing a dorm with her friend from high school and partying with the frats by the ocean and somehow managing to get her homework finished. Yet all that would change when her best friend is savagely murdered. When several brothers at the fraternity also turn up dead and Rebekah’s life is threatened, the hunt for the killer brings in Keepers from neighboring regions.

Can the Keepers unravel the web of witches, demons, and jealousy that has ensnared Rebekah or will she become trapped inside the Labyrinth with its terrifying hunter?
Genre: Fantasy


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