Download Knights of Orion Citadel Series (1-2) by Avalon O’Clair (.ePUB)

Knights of Orion Citadel Series by Avalon O’Clair (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.7 Mb
Overview: In my heart of hearts, I always wanted to be a writer. I remember walking around the neighborhood as a kid and narrating my thoughts and action in my head as if I were enacting a story.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Book #1 – Knights of Orion Citadel: Illusion of Safety
An innocent young woman, unjustly sentenced to endure a monstrous curse.
Three heroes, determined to set her free.
But powerful enemies battle against them . . .
. . . and time is running out.
When Emma takes the life of an attacker in self-defense, his corrupt billionaire father will stop at nothing to exact his cruel revenge. Traumatized and alone, Emma must run for her life, her world reduced to a lonely nomadic existence of cheap motels and endless miles of highway, constantly on the move to evade the relentless danger that stalks her. She yearns for safety and a family to love—a place to call home.
Cousins Ben and Chase Kincaid are hereditary Templar Knights, bound by oath and birthright to fight evil. When a mission goes awry and a courageous young woman comes out of nowhere to save the day, they’re shocked to discover that she’s as tangled up in the supernatural as they are.
The valiant knights join forces with the angel Ashriel, and the three embark on a desperate quest to break Emma’s curse. Chase falls for the mysterious beauty, but will his wounds of the past—and her unique friendship with Ashriel—keep them apart?
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking down to Emma’s heinous doom, but her protectors don’t know every step they take to help her only tightens the noose around her neck!
Can they save her from a fate worse than death?

Book #2 – Knights of Orion Citadel: Nightmare of Consequence
The adventure continues…
Chase, Ben, and Ashriel spin a well-meaning web of lies meant to protect Emma from a terrible secret that could destroy her, but two shocking revelations rock their world.
The first brings Chase closer to everything he’s ever wanted…
…but the second could end his life.
Meanwhile, Emma must learn to accept the reality of her curse and the change in her relationship with Ashriel, even as she struggles with her intense feelings for Chase. She trusts the brave and handsome knight with her life. But after learning about his past, can she trust him with her heart?
Personal issues quickly fall to the wayside when an old friend’s daughter is abducted and held for ransom. The knights rush to her rescue, but Chase suspects that things are not as simple as they appear and that the true mastermind behind the kidnapping may have a far more sinister motive than money.
When a witch’s warning reveals a deadly threat hiding in plain sight, it seems Chase may be right. And when Ashriel makes a grave mistake that places all within the citadel in danger, his already strained friendship with Chase is put to the test.
Will they all survive the ancient evil lurking within Orion Citadel?

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