Download King Pirate by Thomas Stern (.MOBI)

King Pirate by Thomas K. Stern
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 420 KB
Overview: After modern-day pirates murder his best friend, an American ex-Marine captains a fighting ship to wreck revenge. A sexy, cinematic action-thriller in the tradition of Lee Child and Casino Royale. Ryan Kelley is a former Marine who’s drifted into knocking around Southeast Asia as a merchant seaman. His best friend is murdered by King Pirate, leader of the biggest criminal organization currently stalking the Malacca Strait. Kelley swears revenge. He hunts down one of King Pirate’s lieutenants, but swiftly realizes he’ll never get far without help. Kelley goes to Cuchulain, the bizarre leader of the IPC, a law enforcement agency dedicated to fighting piracy. Kelley almost immediately begins an affair with Cuchulain’s lead investigator, the beautiful ex-pat Russian, Anastasia.
Genre: Fiction, Thriller


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