Download King of Flesh and Bone by Liv Zander (.ePUB)

King of Flesh and Bone by Liv Zander (The Pale Court Book 1)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 625 kb
Overview: Worse than a ruthless king… is a king obsessed.
Isolation, darkness, and rotting flesh,
Surrounds me, suffocates me,
But I am the vile ruler who controls it all.
I long for warmth,
Yet, all that I touch,
Is cold.
Then, she stumbles in to my domain,
Lost and frightened,
Alone and confused.
And I terrify her even more.
She calls me the devil,
So I show her pleasure,
Like only the devil can.
I am the heat that stirs her flesh,
The longing that trembles her bone.
She begs her body to refuse,
To escape my embrace,
But I am her master,
The puppeteer of passion.
I am the King of Flesh and Bone.
Welcome to my court, little one.
Genre: Romance


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