Download Killer Cup of Joe Series by Jennifer Templeman (.ePUB)+

Killer Cup of Joe Series by Jennifer Templeman
Requirements: Any .ePUB/.MOBI reader | 1.43MB
Overview: Jennifer Templeman has dedicated her career to working in non-profit management. When not analyzing the minute details of a financial statement or writing a strategy document, she resides in the Boston area, and shares her life with her husband, three sons, English springer spaniel, and a brave cat rescued from a shelter. To date she has published two novels: A Killer Cup of Joe and Finely Ground.
Genre: Mystery


1) A Killer Cup of Joe: Ellie Michaels always knew what she wanted—to follow in the footsteps of her father, a legend in the FBI. But when tragedy strikes and her father is killed in the line of duty, Ellie believes her dream to be like him dies as well. When her first assignment ends in the death of her partner, Ellie retreats to the basement of the FBI office in Richmond, Virginia. With a razor sharp eye for detail, Ellie has spent the past five years sifting through stagnant cases in the hope that she can pick up something to revive the investigations.
When she is called upon to review evidence about a serial killer, Ellie must put the pieces together before more women end up dead. In doing so, she steps out of her father’s shadow, armed with a few good friends, a potential relationship with a coffee shop owner…and a killer cup of Joe.

2) Finely Ground: Still haunted by the past and the meaning of the files bequeathed by her father, Ellie Michaels finds herself the obsession of a serial killer’s brother. With her life in danger, the Bureau forcing her to undergo a psych evaluation to prove she is still fit for duty, and a new agent asking for help in a case, Ellie has to decide if she will lose herself in the fine details that have been a comfort in the past or if she will push beyond her insecurities and take a chance on happiness.

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