Download Keto Life by Sahil Makhija (.ePUB)

Keto Life: Over 100 Healthy and Delicious Ketogenic Recipes by Sahil Makhija
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 14 MB
Overview: Embrace the keto lifestyle with over 200 effective and delicious recipes designed to improve your health.

Unlike other diets, ketogenics is all or nothing. You need to be committed in order to convert your body from a carb-burning to a fat-burning mechanism. By building your meals and snacks around “good fat” and high-protein foods you will not only lose weight but improve your overall health and mental focus. Eating in a very specific way, however, doesn’t mean you can’t eat well.

Sahil Makhija is a keto cooking rock star, literally. But his band isn’t the star of this show. With over 300,000 YouTube subscribers, the people have spoken about his yummy and accessible recipes.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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