Download Katharsis by Peter Gerard (.ePUB)

Katharsis: A Valens Heritage Universe Novel by Peter Gerard
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 331 KB
Overview: Art and his ladies have defeated the evil enchanter and laid claim to all he owned. They freed a powerful Sidhe noble from durance vile. Their company is set to produce Earth changing devices. His family’s plans are moving forward.
Unfortunately, that success has created new enemies.

Art needs to track down whoever is trying to kill his friends as he adjusts to the changes in his psyche. His family needs to navigate a once in a generation event as they continue to grow their company. All of them will have to adapt to the changes their bonds to one another have generated.

As Art and his family face their challenges, the rest of the world continues to shift into the future. A future that will challenge old assumptions and bring forth new wisdom.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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