Download Kat Makris series by Alex A. King (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Kat Makris series by Alex A. King (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI Reader | 1.5 MB
Overview: She’s been around the world and back again, and now Alex A. King and her family call the Pacific Northwest home. While her stories about Greece are fiction, she happily confesses to being the one who climbed the church’s trees to steal fruit. (Spoiler: The fruit was delicious, but the old woman chasing her had a fast, accurate broom.)
Genre: Mystery

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Disorganized Crime (#1) Kat Makris was just a kid when her father spun wild and gruesome bedtime stories about Baboulas, the Greek boogeyman, a fearsome creature with a penchant for stealing gold and clashing with the gods.
Now Kat is twenty-eight, single, an only child halfway to orphaned, and her father’s weirdo fairy tales lie crumpled at the bottom of her childhood closet, in the house where she still lives. But when her father is abducted by men with crooked noses, she discovers his old stories were true—true crime, that is. What does Kat know about crime? Nothing, that’s what. Her only transgression, to date, is underage drinking. Even her driving record is pristine.
Her couch-to-cubicle existence shattered by his kidnapping–and the discovery of his secret and deadly past as a mobster for the Greek mafia–Kat is determined to find her father, even if it means forming an unholy and felonious alliance with Greece’s boogeyman …

Trueish Crime (#2) The Godfather goes to the mattresses. The Godmother goes to the mixing bowls …
With her father still missing, and no news or ransom demands, Kat Makris is sweating under the blistering Greek sun. But when her grandmother receives a mysterious puzzle box from one of the Family’s most questionable allies, Kat’s not even remotely prepared for the worst.
Kat’s quest to find her father takes her from the vertigo-inducing heights of Meteora to Greece’s pebbled beaches, with a growing number of assassins on her tail. Kat’s presence in Greece means times are a-changing, and Grandma’s enemies hate change—unless it turns a tidy profit. The last thing they want is an unknown quantity shoehorned into Grandma’s tattered, black slippers.
As an all-round decent person, one without a rap sheet, it’s not what Kat wants, either.
But Grandma has plans …

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