Download Just One Week by Chelsea M. Cameron (.MP3)

Just One Week (Castleton Hearts #2) by Chelsea M. Cameron
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 202.9 MB
Overview: Emerald Witmer is beyond pissed when her brother begs her to drive all the way across the country to pick up his girlfriend’s sister from college in Arizona and bring her back to Castleton, Maine. She would tell him to go *blank* himself, but then he agrees to pay her, and let’s be real, she could use the money.

She’s not going to think about the fact that the girl she’s going to pick up, Natalie Johnson, was her best friend when they were kids, until Natalie decided she’d rather hang with the cool kids and abandoned Em. Not that she’s still holding a grudge or anything.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction FF


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