Download Jim Cartwright: Raknar Quest by Mark Wandrey (.ePUB)

Jim Cartwright: Raknar Quest by Mark Wandrey (Four Horsemen Tales #14)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 346 KB
Overview: Having successfully saved Cartwright’s Cavaliers from bankruptcy, Jim Cartwright has a new quest—he wants to know more about Raknar. Unfortunately for him, the secrets of the giant machines appear to have been lost to antiquity. Still…he has to try.

After returning from a lucrative contact, he secures a base of operation for his Cavaliers in the Karma system, then he sets off toward the galactic core. It’s something he feels he needs to do by himself, so he leaves his over-protective mentor Hargrave behind.

Can Jim and Splunk find the answers to their questions on their own? They need to know how to maintain the massive Raknar, and where they can find more—and they need the info now! The towering 20,000-year-old war machines could give humanity an edge against the contentious Mercenary Guild…but only if he can get the information he needs.

Jim’s heading for more trouble than he bargained for, though, and there are many people who want to stop him and see his quest fail. Few answers await, and there are many new adversaries in his path. At the end of his journey, war looms, as well as a long-lost mystery from his past. Come along on Jim Cartwright’s Raknar Quest.

Author’s Note: This book represents a collection of short stories but is not an anthology. Five of the shorts were written as the parts of an overall story—chapters if you will—of this book. These stories are from the Jim Cartwright—At Large serial: “Karma Upsilon 4,” “Valley of Loss,” “Empire of Machines,” “Eye of Minerva,” and “Hunted.”
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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