Download Jani Kilian Chronicles series by Kristine Smith (.ePUB)

Jani Kilian Chronicles series by Kristine Smith (#1-#2, #4-#5)
Requirements: Epub reader, 2.14 Mb
Overview: Kristine Smith works as a process development scientist for a large pharmaceutical manufacturer and lives in northern Illinois.
Kristine Smith also writes supernatural thrillers under the name Alex Gordon.
Genre: Science Fiction, Military


1. Code of Conduct
Captain Jani Kilian’s life should have ended in front of a firing squad. Instead, she evaded battlefield justice by dying in a transport crash. End of story, according to official Commonwealth Service records.
But doctors repaired her in secret, using the most advanced Service Medical technologies available, or so they assured her. In the last days of the idomeni civil war, she escaped their homeworld of Shèrá, and spent the next 18 years on the run.
But someone like Jani leaves a trail no matter how hard they try to hide it, and she soon learns the Service hunt for her never ended. When Interior Minister Evan van Reuter, her former lover, tracks her down and begs her help in finding his wife’s killer, she has no choice but to agree.
The search takes her to the Commonwealth capital of Chicago, a hotbed of political intrigue as dangerous as any warzone. As the danger mounts, so do Jani’s struggles. Her rebuilt body is breaking down, and memories long suppressed are flooding back. Of one horrible night 18 years ago, and the gut-wrenching decision that changed her life forever.

2. Rules of Conflict
For eighteen years, Captain Jani Kilian has been hiding from her bloody past. Now she faces trial for what she once did, what she knows now, and what she has become.
Eighteen years ago, she was saved by a radical–and illegal–medical procedure that added alien genetic material to her own. But her hybrid body is breaking down. And so is everything else.
Relations between the human and alien idomeni races are deteriorating as rapidly as Jani Kilian’s augmentation. And Jani’s reemergence has caused old wounds to reopen and new wounds to form. Perhaps it’s time for a damaged soldier to stop fighting; to let the desperate architects of a vast and devouring conspiracy keep the truth well hidden; to let the universe and everyone in it go straight to Hell.
Perhaps not…

4. Contact Imminent
Former captain Jani Kilian is a genetically altered human-idomeni hybrid who acts as a bridge of communication between two fiercely incompatible races. With intergalactic civil war looming large — with renegades in the Service secretly plotting extermination — Jani Kilian is being pulled once more into perilous space. Because a horrific act of terror is about to ignite a long-feared conflict between human and alien…and the key to the survival or destruction of human civilization is waiting for her somewhere on the edge of the universe.

5. Endgame
Ever since contact was first made between humans and the alien "idomeni," tensions between the two races have been frequent and bloody. As the first genetically altered human-"idomeni" hybrid, former Captain Jani Kilian serves as a lightning rod for the anger, outrage, and hatreds of both sides. And now the ex-soldier finds herself in the unwanted role of diplomat–serving the interests of her hybrid enclave, Thalassa, the only place in the universe that welcomes renegade humans, hybrids, and aliens alike.
But the all-powerful Commonwealth intends to bring Thalassa to its knees, and the time for diplomacy is at an end. With death surrounding her, Jani Kilian must return to where her nightmare began and once again take on her most powerful persona: "warrior." For as the game approaches its inevitable conclusion, she knows only two options remain: victory . . . or extermination.

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