Download It Waits in the Woods by Josh Malerman (.ePUB)

It Waits in the Woods by Josh Malerman (Creature Feature collection)
Requirements: epub reader, 258 kb
Overview: Some chilling campfire tales ring too true to ignore. For one young woman, an urban legend calls her into the woods in a spine-tingling short story by the bestselling author of Bird Box.

The dense Michigan forest. Haunting wails. The clip-clop of demon hooves on a bridge to nowhere. It’s more than a tall tale to Brenda Jennings, whose sister disappeared in those woods one fateful night. Three years later, on a solo stakeout in the dark, Brenda goes in after her. She’s desperate for answers, and terrified to find what lies waiting on the other side of that bridge.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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