Download Irritable Hearts: PTSD Love Story by Mac McClelland (.ePUB)

Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story by Mac McClelland
Requirements: ePUB reader, 401 KB
Overview: “I had nightmares, flashbacks. I dissociated… Changes in self-perception and hallucinations-those are some of my other symptoms. You are poison, I chanted silently to myself. And your poison is contagious.”

So begins Mac McClelland’s powerful, unforgettable memoir, Irritable Hearts.

When thirty-year-old, award-winning human rights journalist Mac McClelland left Haiti after reporting on the devastating earthquake of 2010, she never imagined how the assignment would irrevocably affect her own life. Back home in California, McClelland cannot stop reliving vivid scenes of violence. She is plagued by waking terrors, violent fantasies, and crippling emotional breakdowns. She can’t sleep or stop crying. Her life in shambles, it becomes clear that she is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Her bewilderment about this sudden loss of control is magnified by the intensity of her feelings for Nico, a French soldier she met in Port-au-Prince and with whom she connected instantly and deeply.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Biography


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