Download Irontown series 1-3 by Adriana Arden

Irontown series 1-3 by Adriana Arden
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.1mb
Overview: Adriana Arden writes erotica, with several titles published under the Nexus and Silver Moon imprints.
Genre: Erotic

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Student Maids #1: When Melanie Paget is brought in by the Shackleswell police for vagrancy, she can have no idea of the fate that awaits her. She is degraded beyond her wildest nightmares and becomes simply a ‘girlcog’ in a big machine that exists only to teach recalcitrant girls their proper place! As her degradation goes on and her sexual need for pain grows, Melanie begins to lose her old identity completely and her life will never be the same again…

Ponygirls of Irontown #2: Adriana’s brilliantly envisioned society of ‘Irontown’ is once again evoked with all its clever bondage and strict hierarchy. Samantha takes delivery of her very own slavegirl when she comes of age and begins to train her as a ponygirl. But she is spoilt and sullen and soon gets herself into trouble by not caring for her possession properly. From then on Samantha begins a painful journey towards maturity!

Irontown 3 #3: Seized at night by mystery masked men, Jane Frobisher is stripped and publicly exposed in the middle of Shackleswell (also know as Irontown) a slave-owning society hiding in the middle of twenty-first century England. To ensure she does not reveal its secret Jane is given the part name BRUSH 01 and begins an intense course of slave training under the mastery of Adam Tamper: a young man almost half her age! She serves in his bed along with a pair of compliant naked house slaves, visits the Museum of Flesh and Iron where naked slave girls are used to demonstrate devices from Irontown’s past incorporating living bodies as parts of their mechanisms, samples the wares of a high class restraint shop and is offered a shocking commission to paint a rich man’s wife in a most degrading pose. Then the subversive masked men intervene again. Can Jane be rescued from their clutches before her will is broken and she is no longer able to function as a free person?

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