Download Warformed: Stormweaver Series by Bryce O’Connor, Luke Chmilenko (.ePUB)

Warformed: Stormweaver Series by Bryce O’Connor, Luke Chmilenko (1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.8 mb
OverviewBryce O’Connor learned the importance of a well-crafted story at an early age. Raised on the tall tales of Brian Jacques’ Redwall and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, he fell in love with reading when he realized that one’s imagination is the only place where dragons might actually fly free.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Iron Prince – Reidon Ward will become a god.
He doesn’t know it yet, of course. Reidon was born weak, sickly and small. Afflicted with a painful disease and abandoned by his parents because of it, he has had to fight tooth and nail for every minor advantage life has allowed him.
His perseverance has not gone unnoticed, however, and when the most powerful artificial intelligence in human history takes an interest in him, things began to change quickly. Granted a CAD—a Combat Assistance Device—with awful specs but an infinite potential for growth, Reidon finds himself at the bottom of his class at the Galens Institute, one of the top military academies in the Collective. Along with his best friend, Viviana Arada, Reidon will have to start his long climb through the school rankings, and on to the combat tournament circuits that have become humanity’s greatest source of excitement and entertainment.
So begins the rise of a god. So begins the ascent of the Stormweaver.

2. Fire and Song – The Iron Prince will claim his crown.
Reidon Ward’s first semester at the Galens Institute hasn’t been without reward. In just over half a year he’s gone from the weakest cadet at school to one of the strongest in his class, and there’s no one left who would argue that his Device, Shido, isn’t the most terrifying CAD they’ve ever laid eyes on. Still, Rei knows that his climb has barely begun, like he knows that the true fight is only just starting.
After all… The Sectionals tournament has arrived.
Rei, along with Aria, Viv, Catcher, and a couple unexpected squadmates, are about to face the first real battle of their careers. Squaring off with some of the best Users in the Astra System, they’re going to have to put everything they have—as individuals and as a team—into their coming fights if they want to ultimately end up standing at the top. As ever, though, their journey is hardly bound to be a smooth one.
Especially not when Rei and Aria begin to suspect that Shido may be even more formidable than it appears, much less as the powerful entities who’ve already taken notice of the ‘Iron Prince of Galens’ begin to make their moves, some casting their hands in his favor, others very much against…

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 1st November 2023. Thanks to GOD123)

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