Download Invisible Art of Film Music by Laurence E. MacDonald (.ePUB)

The Invisible Art of Film Music: A Comprehensive History by Laurence E. MacDonald
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3,9 MB
Overview: Beginning with the era of synchronized sound in the 1920s, music has been an integral part of motion pictures. Whether used to heighten the tension of a scene or evoke a subtle emotional response, scores have played a significant—if often unrealized—role in the viewer’s enjoyment. In The Invisible Art of Film Music, Laurence MacDonald provides a comprehensive introduction for the general student, film historian, and aspiring cinematographer. Arranged chronologically from the silent era to the present day, this volume provides insight into the evolution of music in cinema and analyzes the vital contributions of scores to hundreds of films.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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